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Free consultation +49 6188 9139-0
Eye rinsing bottle 200 ml, pH-neutral

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Eye rinsing bottle 200 ml, pH-neutral

Field of Application: Emergency showers
Weight: 0.5 kg

Handy pH-neutral eye rinsing bottle with 200 ml of sterile phosphate buffer solution (4.9%). For quickly neutralizing acids and lye. Equipped with an ergonomically formed eye cup and dust lid. The bottle can be used individually or to refill eye rinsing stations. For mobile use, e.g. in a toolbox, first aid kit, and storage in a specially available belt pouch. Shelf life: 3 years. Rinsing time: approx. 2 minutes. According to DIN EN 15154-4:2009.

+49 6188 9139-0