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Free consultation +49 6188 9139-0
Oil and chemicals binder UNI-SAFE PLUS, 750 g
Oil and chemicals binder UNI-SAFE PLUS, 750 g
Oil and chemicals binder UNI-SAFE PLUS, 750 g
Oil and chemicals binder UNI-SAFE PLUS, 750 g
Oil and chemicals binder UNI-SAFE PLUS, 750 g

Products shown may show special features, please see product description for details

Oil and chemicals binder UNI-SAFE PLUS, 750 g

Field of Application: Absorber and binders
Width: 12 mm
Depth: 8 mm
Height: 23 mm
Weight: 0.865 kg

Fine granulate made from thermoset polymers, can be used for all liquids, absorbs up to 75 times its own weight, economical and problem-free measure, does not trigger any dangerous reactions. also usable in rain, (ph-neutral) Indicates the binder's saturation by dry deposit on the surface. Barrier formation possible, swells, has an indicator function - Indicator transition: acids (yellow) / lyes (red) Testings: Tested and approved by MPA NRW, Dortmund and also tested by the Hygiene Institue in Gelsenkirchen.

+49 6188 9139-0