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Free consultation +49 6188 9139-0
Drum lifter trolley, hydraulic frame blue painted
Drum lifter trolley, hydraulic frame blue painted

Products shown may show special features, please see product description for details


Drum lifter trolley, hydraulic frame blue painted

Field of Application: Storage equipment and accessories
Width: 850 mm
Depth: 960 mm
Height: 1410 mm
Weight: 90 kg

for pick up and transport of 200 l-drums, user friendly pump with food lever, safe and exact kneeling possible, the legs are adapted to euro pallets. Painted blue RAL 5010. Dimensions approx.: Frame width outside: 960 mm Frame width inside: 870 mm Height min./max.: 1410/1915 mm Length complete: 850 mm Length of legs: 570 mm Height of legs: 65 mm 2 stand rollers with dia = 65 mm 2 slewable with dia = 80 mm Lift height: 700 mm Load bearing capacity: 300 kg Weight: 67 kg

+49 6188 9139-0