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Free consultation +49 6188 9139-0
Safety container VisiCon with screw cap, 2 l
Safety container VisiCon with screw cap, 2 l

Products shown may show special features, please see product description for details


Safety container VisiCon with screw cap, 2 l

Field of Application: Safety containers VisiCon
Height: 265 mm
Weight: 1.8 kg

Stainless steel 1.4571 (AISI 316Ti) polished Dimensions: approx. 120 x 270 mm (dia x H) Seals: LDPE Closes tightly, captive cap on flexible shaft including cap locking mechanism, Flame arrester in container neck, Level control via integrated sight glass with measuring scale, Markings prepared according to GefStoffV and Workplace Directive A1.3 (ASR).

+49 6188 9139-0