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Free consultation +49 6188 9139-0
Collection container ELITE for cigarette butts, HDPE, black
Collection container ELITE for cigarette butts, HDPE, black
Collection container ELITE for cigarette butts, HDPE, black

Products shown may show special features, please see product description for details


Collection container ELITE for cigarette butts, HDPE, black

Field of Application: Safety ashtrays and waste-paper baskets
Height: 965 mm
Weight: 6 kg

Dim.: approx. 305 x 965mm (Dia x H) Capacity: approx. 15 l smouldering cigarette butts are automatically extinguished, with flame retardant additive, galvanised steel insert, Covered opening protects from rain, additional security from theft due to padlock Clear identification as a cigarette butt collector by moulded-in graphics Testing: FM-approved

+49 6188 9139-0