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Free consultation +49 6188 9139-0
Collection tray of sheet steel painted for 4 x 200 l-drum

Products shown may show special features, please see product description for details

Collection tray of sheet steel painted for 4 x 200 l-drum

Field of Application: Storage equipment and accessories
Width: 1200 mm
Depth: 1200 mm
Height: 285 mm
Weight: 87 kg

  • square - dim.: 1200 x 1200 x 285 (W x D x H mm) Collection volume: 210 l Sheet steel painted to RAL 5012 lightblue, material strength 3 mm with galvanised removable grating. Ground clearance approx. 100 mm. load 1000 kg suitable for flammable liquids F+ F and water polluting liquids WGK 1-3 Testings: with declaration of conformity (ÜHP) according to StawaR Tested by TÜV
+49 6188 9139-0