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Free consultation +49 6188 9139-0
Hazardous substance depot, galvanised, with two wing doors

Products shown may show special features, please see product description for details

Hazardous substance depot, galvanised, with two wing doors

Field of Application: Storage equipment and accessories
Width: 1437 mm
Depth: 1500 mm
Height: 1557 mm
Weight: 302 kg

galvanised with 2 wings doors for 4 x 200 l-drums, Dims.: 1437 x 1500 x 1557 mm (L x W x H) Collection vol.: 220 l with natural air exchange collection tray with galvanised grating Roof with pneumatic springs, lockable fork stirrups with 100 mm underclearance for flammable liquids F+, F and water polluting liquids in water pollution class WGK 1-3. Testing: With general national technical approval Z-38.5-101 (DIBt Berlin), TÜV-tested

+49 6188 9139-0