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Free consultation +49 6188 9139-0
Ventilation unit with ventilator
Ventilation unit with ventilator
Ventilation unit with ventilator

Products shown may show special features, please see product description for details


Ventilation unit with ventilator

Field of Application: Exhaust systems, Ventilation of safety cabinets
Width: 260 mm
Depth: 310 mm
Height: 275 mm
Weight: 10 kg

Ventilation unit with ventilator

  • ATEX-compliant CE Ex II (3) G [c llB T4], zone 2 in the air flow
  • Plug-in access to the 230V / 50 Hz power supply
  • via IEC-60320 C13 appliance-side connector
  • Consisting of: sheet steel air box,
  • in silver with sparkling effect.
  • exhaust ventilator (max. 72 m³/h)
  • Noise level Lp5A 56 db (A)
+49 6188 9139-0