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Free consultation +49 6188 9139-0
Pipe penetration for stainless steel pipes, cables and hoses
Pipe penetration for stainless steel pipes, cables and hoses

Products shown may show special features, please see product description for details


Pipe penetration for stainless steel pipes, cables and hoses

Field of Application: Supply (active storage)
Weight: 0.5 kg

Installation authorized for following cabinet models: SUPPLY COMPACT 49-20BB77-xyz. To be mounted by the customer in order to pass through the cabinet: pipes, cables and tubes Outer dimensions: 120 x 120 x 34 (W x D x H) Usable surface: 80 x 80 Colour: light grey, electr. conductive For installation position and max. diameter of penetration see installation manual. No liability in case the installation manual is not adhered to.

+49 6188 9139-0